About Me

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I am a 40 something, married, mother of two boys who loves gardening, life, and living in Oklahoma. I write two different blogs, one on ministry work and life Redemption's Heart and one on gardening in Oklahoma Busted Stick Gardens Thank you for visiting my page.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It is Graduation Day

The month of May has wings. It must. How else can I explain why it is already the 21st and my son is graduating highschool. My absence on the blogosphere is directly tied to our getting ready for today. I'm not ready.

I did take some garden pictures this week so that I could check in and touch base with everyone. I missed bloom day and when I slowed down enough to look around, I noticed that my roses, Lupines, Ceriopsis and shasta daisies were blooming. They look great.


Bangchik and Kakdah said...

It's a such a moment to see children graduating..... The flowers are colorful. Cheers! ~ bangchik

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